Online Zoom Classes
Online Zoom Classes
I started teaching online classes at the start of the pandemic in March 2020. I was very nervous to begin with, I am not very technical, it seemed weird not to be face to face with people but as time progressed and my clients and myself became more confident we began to really enjoy it. I run my online classes through Zoom – a simple app to use and you can use your computer/tablet/phone/tv whichever suits you best.
My online community classes are still very community focused and I teach in a similar style – I chat to participants at the beginning and end of the classes, I can’t walk round the class but I can come to the screen and I can watch you and advise of changes and exercise options. These classes are fun, friendly and very convenient as you don’t need to travel anywhere, they take less time and you can heat and light your home to your taste and all you need is wifi and a bit of space so clients do log in from different venues not just home. You can also answer your door and take in a delivery at the same time if you wish!

What to expect with the online classes
Online classes vary in time usually 30-45 mins. A core timetable of around 8-10 classes tends to run every week with a few changes and additions as mentioned above. To view the timetable please click on the calendar and a drop down box of classes available on the day will appear.
When you book a class you will be emailed a zoom link, just before the class ensure you have wifi, get your space ready and click on the link. You will be placed in my waiting room and as the start time approaches I will let you in – please join with camera and audio – zoom will offer you these options.
After a short chat, I mute the class to avoid back ground noise, I do a sound check and then record the class – this only records me not participants. At the end of the class we unmute and feedback and the class ends. Class numbers vary but tend to be around 8-20
What classes I run online
After initially only teaching Pilates online my timetable has expanded and I now teach different types of Pilates classes and Strength and Conditioning classes online – see the class information page for further information. All classes are taught using special exercise music with the correct licences.
I also do some workshops and different masterclasses via Zoom and we have also had question-and-answer sessions and coffee chats. My participants for these classes tend to have some knowledge of basic pilates and dumbbell moves. Beginners are better to have completed a beginners course first which I do offer.

Fitness Pilates
Based on the traditional pilates exercises, these classes are functional, building on obtaining better posture and increased mobility. Exercises are done both standing and on the floor.
Fitness Pilates exercises target the whole body, particularly the core. There are different varieties and levels of class to suit participants.

Weighted Workouts
These classes are done using light hand weights/water bottles, resistance bands or equipment free.
Building strength helps protect your joints from injury, helps reduce the risk of bone disease, helps with fatigue and helps burn fat while resting.
How to access my online Zoom classes
To book click on your chosen class and follow the on screen instructions. You will need to create an account for your own security and complete a short health questionnaire – if you save the answers you do not need to complete this every time you book. Payment is made via a secure booking system using a credit/debit card.
Classes are available to buy as a one off but if you intend to do regular classes then purchasing a package of classes gives you passes to spend on the whole range of both online and recorded classes at discounted rates. You can choose from a range of packages from 4 classes -30 classes which last you 31 days from date of purchase. The more classes you do the cheaper each one is but please note the expiry date.
Your account is your information hub. You simply login with your email and the password you created. YOu can view the number of passes you have, your package expiry date, classes/videos booked and change any of your details.
Your first online class is a free trial use code FREEZOOM on the coupon section at checkout.